Research papers

Our research papers offer groundbreaking insights and actionable outcomes to help retailers and their partners better manage the many ways in which profits can be negatively impacted by all forms of retail loss. Produced by some of the leading academic experts in the field of retailing and loss prevention, they are all free to download.

Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Total Retail Loss 2.0

From Theory to Practice

Total Retail Loss 2.0

Written by Adrian Beck

From Theory to Practice

Abstract The original research outlining the Total Retail Loss concept was first published in 2016, focussed upon understanding how the retail industry underst...

Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Amplifying Risk in Retail Stores

The evidence to date on the technologies that aim to make shop thieves think twice

Amplifying Risk in Retail Stores

Written by Adrian Beck

The evidence to date on the technol...

Abstract The purpose of this report, which was published in 2016, is to review the available evidence on what is known to date about the efficacy of a range of ...

Retail Loss, Safety and Security

Beyond Shrinkage: Introducing Total Retail Loss

Beyond Shrinkage: Introducing Total Retail Loss

Written by Adrian Beck

Abstract This report, which was first published in 2016, and introduced the concept of Total Retail Loss, focussed upon understanding how the retail industry un...

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