Managing the Good, Bad and the Ugly of Online Market Places - Latest Insights

Date and Time:

11th July - 1pm UK



11 Jul 1:00 PM


Colin Peacock, ECR Retail Loss


Managing the Good, Bad and the Ugly of Online Market Places - Latest Insights

Online market places offer tremendous sales opportunities for brands, however, managing freight claims and bad returns can be very difficult. At the same time, the ease of selling stolen goods bas been made significantly easier, creating an increased illicit demand for stolen goods.

In this meeting, we will explore how retailers can begin to quantify theses problem, form more collaborative relationships with market place platforms with risk and transaction data sharing protocols, and where appropriate build consensus for industry standards and public policy changes.

The session will start with retailer presentations from retailers in the group, who will share the extent of their loss problems, their current approaches, the frustrations and their thinking on how handling bad returns could be improved and the selling of stolen goods online could be made harder.

This meeting is for retailers, brand owners and academics only.

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