
Food Waste Innovations Announced

The ECR Food Waste Innovation Challenge was designed to find the most promising global innovations to prevent, re-use or reduce food waste.

Over the last 12 months ECR Retail Loss have partnered with Co:cubed to find the food waste innovations that mattered the most for retailers seeking to prevent food waste in the first place and to then exit any surplus more efficiently or re-purpose it in new and different ways.

From a long list of over 100 identified by Co:cubed, retailers then short-listed these down to the Top 30, a list we published in September.

Click here to view this list. 

On November 30th, nine of the hottest innovations pitched their innovation to 150 retail food waste experts, with 60 different retailer brands represented from USA, Europe and Australia, along with investors, producers, academics, industry associations and independent retail food waste experts

To view all nine pitches, and the retailers' questions and feedback, please click the below for a recording of the showcase finale session.

As well as identifying potential partnerships at the event, the retailers rated each pitch, with the winners as follows




Dec 1, 2022